
JESUS AND MARY CHAIN - April 1, 2020

Normally I post few comments to the concert I attend. Unfortunately today it is not the case. Due to COVID19 all event are cancelled and we have to stay home. This ticket will remain in my collection as it is!!!
We can only imagine to be there and hope to future opportunities. In the meantime we can  listening to what we have in our music collecton (or Hard discs). Here I can forward to you something recently downloaded from other sources.
Honey's Dead was originally released in 1992 but this 2 CD version I don't know exactly when.

ENJOY :Honey's Dead


JULIE'S HAIRCUT - After Dark (2006)

Julie’s Haircut 2006 work “After Dark, my sweet” here as mp3 version. Excellent sonorities from the Italian group. Some tracks will be later used as basis for their future works.

Hear: After Dark (mp3)


THE THE - Infected (1986)

In this period because of the COVID-19 restrictions (close at home as all italian and part of europeans are raccomented to do), I spent some time to reorganize my vinyls and CDs. I had in my hand this 1986  LP from THE THE  (Matt Johnson). I think that title and front cover decribes very well the  existing atmosphere at the moment in great part of the world.
I already posted this in 2016 but the old link is probably expired.
Waiting for a better period we can listen to some good music. 
This is not my rip but I found it
 (Someone(blog) …..Somewhere …..in a Summertime)

THE THE - infected