Few days after Red Hot Chili Peppers I saw WIRE. Completely different location and atmosphere. This is a kind of concert I prefer; few people, possibility to move around and spend some times with friends. The component of the band were at the bar speaking with people before the show.
The show itself was really short (just 70 minutes) but it was enough. Most of the last work "silver/lead" were performed plus some old pieces. The life sound of Wire is different from the studio.More rough and heavy but is definitively the WIRE sound.
RHCP music remain always a good soundtrack for free time and vacation. Their original sound is able to move my imagination to a beach party or in a windsurfers contest. The explaination is probably because I remember RCHP as soundtrack of videos and films about windsurf history, Robby Naish, Hawaaian contests and so on !!!
The concert itself was good, (not superb), not so long (1.40 h). What impressed me was the power of the drum-bass sectionl of RHCP show and the public. All the time people song together with them and it is visible how the people love them. Really a sound for any age (my daughter also love them).
At the end a nice evening RHCP leave to me a good memory