
THE THE - Ensoulment (2024)


This is really a wonderful gift. THE THE (Alias Matt Johnson) is back with a wonderful work. The release is November 2024 but I listen to this only at the beginning of 2025 and I cannot avoid to listen to this again and again. I was really impressed when I looked to the youtube video of the THE THE performance on  KEXP TV (The link below). You can listen to an album extract (superb sound) and an interesting interview.

At the moment my best listening of the first part of the year:

HERE Youtube link: The The on KEXP


THE CURE - Songs from a LIve Troxy London MMXXIV


The Cure are back with a new album  after a lot of years "Songs from a Lost World". I have to say that I was a little bit disappointed after a first listening to the new work (probably my expectation was too high).

I have to change my thinking after listening to the live version "Songs from a Live Troxy London MMXXIV". This version I think is surely better.

I saw The Cure live several time and their performance is really something special.

You can find on Youtube  the total Troxy London Live show (3:00 Hours !!!). I think is a good New Year starting taking a look to this:

  ENJOY: Full Live Show


STEVE JANSEN & RICHARD BARBIERI - Stories across Borders (1991)


Today a refined and ethereal atmosphere in this post.
A perfect soundtrack for a wintery and foggy Sunday. 
Of course this music is not suitable for frenetic Christmas shopping but it is perfect for observing with detachment what is happening around us.


BODEGA - Brand on the Run (2024)


Bodega is surely my favourite band of the last 5 years. All new release of this  NY  band  confirm their quality despite the turn over of members ( Ben Hozie and Nikki Belfiglio are the milestones of the band).

"Band On the run " is indicated as deluxe edition of their "Our brand could be Yr life" with some songs not included in the April 2024 release. They made the same with last year release "ATM" followed by a deluxe edition leater in the year with new  versions.

Also Live they are a great band  and on youtube there are several video that you can see.

Here a copy of the 2CD I had from the web (not my rip).

Enjoy : Brand On the Run


OREGON - Live at Yoshi's (2002)


Following my previous post, here another Oregon work.

There are a lot of live in the Oregon releases with a very good sound quality. This is a rip of my CD bought years ago.

Enjoy: Live at Yoshi's


OREGON - 1000 Kilometers (2007)

 Taking a look at the blog list of preferences, I noticed that OREGON are in a good position.

I come here with another work of the band. This is a rip of a CD I bought in 2007 and is another piece of the long way of OREGON in their  splendid music.

I have another CD release in 2002 and probably i will post soon.

In the meantime join this one:

HEAR :1000 Kilometers


ORGONE - Moonshadaws (2021)


Orgone is a band from L.A.  California. Active since '90 with a soul-psychedelic-chill sound. 

In 2024 they just release "Chimera" a very good work. 

In this period I am listening to several Soul-Funky music and this band  becomes an increasingly frequent companion of my listening sessions.

Here I am posting a 2021 release "Moonshadows". A collection of songs with a lot of featuring voices.

I take this from Bandcamp and offer here for your pleasure:

 HEAR : Moonshadows


MORPHINE - Cure For Pain (1993)


Cure for Pain was the 2nd album of Morphine. The band from Boston created an original sound not easy to classify. Mark Sandman was the main actor with his two string bass and low tones voice. The result is really excellent.

HEAR : Cure for Pain


LOVE AND ROCKETS - My Dark Twin (2023)


Love and Rockets are Back. This 2023 release  (2 CD) is  really a surprise. 
Special Atmophere from the ex Bauhaus (except Peter Murphy). A tour will also be possible but in the meantime enjoy this.

"Various outtakes, remixed tracks, and an assortment of other stuff from the sessions associated with last Love and Rocket's full-length record from the 1990's. There are 6 previously unreleased tracks and 8 alternative versions from the Sweet F.A. recording sessions."

  HEAR:  Love and Rockets

concert review:         atlantaconcertreviews.com


ART PEPPER QUINTET - Shack Up 1960 (2024)


Among classical Jazz artists Art Pepper is my favourite. A perfect mix of instruments and rhythms. Here a classic work just remastered (2024 Contemporary records acoustic sounds) on quality double vinyl for audiophile .

I just found it (FLAC24_192) on the web and I want to share this gem. 

some additional info here (in italian) about this release ( also from the web):

“La serie Contemporary Records’ Acoustic Sounds si basa su riproduzioni fedeli degli originali, su vinile di alta qualità: queste ristampe – importate dagli Stati Uniti – sono autentici “must-have” per gli audiofili. Questa volta tocca ad un favoloso album del 1960, in cui l’ineguagliabile (e in effetti tanto originale quanto poco imitato) altosassofonista Art Pepper è alla testa di un quintetto che ben rappresenta la crème del jazz californiano, con Jack Sheldon alla tromba, Pete Jolly al piano, Jimmy Bond al contrabbasso e Frank Butler alla batteria. Album che sfata definitivamente la fama ‘jazz californiano = rilassato e di facile ascolto’: qui, al contrario, il gioco si fa serrato, lo swing incalza ed il repertorio comprende anche “Tears Inside” di un certo Ornette Coleman, che proprio su etichetta Contemporary aveva esordito pochi mesi prima. Ne sortisce un album sensazionale. L’incisione fu curata dal leggendario tecnico Roy DuNann e da Howard Holzer, i cui nastri sono stati ripresi e restaurati da Bernie Grundman e quindi stampati presso Quality Record Pressing (QRP). La confezione è la riproduzione fedele (nella grafica come nei materiali) dell’edizione storica.”

HEAR: Shack Up